Traditionally-made butter biscuits

"The" biscuit from our childhood
We all remember THE biscuit which marked our childhood made by our mums, aunties and grannies.
To make an authentic Saint Honnoré butter biscuit, we use local flour (PDO from the Drôme region), Mediterranean almonds and butter.
Our search led us to this biscuit…
The ingredients are combined in a mixer.
The dough is rolled by hand into cylinder shapes.
Discs are cut from the cylinders and put onto trays.
The biscuits are baked just enough to obtain a delicious, smooth texture.
What makes a simple dough into a scrumptious biscuit ?
Quality ingredients together with traditional savoir-faire give these biscuits the delicious taste of yesteryear. They come in lemon, orange, ‘fleur de sel’ and butter flavours.